BelgiumOur guides
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Guide to an open and welcoming church (FR)
This guide is full of ideas and tips to turn your welcome into an unforgettable experience for visitors.
This guide is full of ideas and tips to turn your welcome into an unforgettable experience for visitors.

Audit: Is your church open and welcoming? (FR)
This questionnaire aims to measure the quality of your welcome.
It will suggest simple and inexpensive adaptations to improve the visitor's perception of your building.

Green guide for churches (FR)
This guide helps churches to take an ecological approach and find appropriate solutions.
This guide helps churches to take an ecological approach and find appropriate solutions.

Making a tourist route’ guide (FR)
Would you like to organise a tour of your region from your church? This guide will help you find your way through the maze of creating your dream itinerary!
Would you like to organise a tour of your region from your church? This guide will help you find your way through the maze of creating your dream itinerary!