Grand Duchy of LuxembourgErwuesseBildung
Our story
"ErwuesseBildung" - is a non-profit organisation recognised as a public utility and accredited for continuing vocational training. It is an adult education service open to all. Its offers are aimed at anyone interested in issues related to social life, the media, culture and the search for meaning.The department organizes conferences and workshops, develops educational materials and other publications. It has a bookstore with selected books for sale for children, adolescents and adults, as well as a media library. In this media library, the service makes educational and documentary films available to families, schools and socio-family institutions (on DVD, for downloading and streaming).
ErwuesseBildung asbl finances its activities through contributions to expenses and donations. The association is supported by the Ministry of the Family, the Archdiocese of Luxembourg and the City of Luxembourg.
Since 2015, ErwuesseBildung asbl has had an agreement with the Belgian foundation "Open Churches" to coordinate the network of open churches in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. This activity is funded by the contribution of member churches. In addition, ErwuesseBildung organizes, with partners, church visits, training of church guides and conferences on sacred art.