Find a church

Make way for young people!

You would like to highlight the richness of your church but don't know where to focus your energy?

Think of the young people!

After all, they are the future transmitters of history. It is therefore never too late to make them aware of their heritage and to pass on the torch in complete serenity.


 1. Carry out a project for young people yourself

  • a permanent treasure hunt
  • an escape game in the church (See a French example)
  • an adapted permanent discovery trail
  • artistic workshops in the church during the summer
  • discovery courses during the holidays
  • special awareness training to enable them to become guides (for this, see the very good initiative of the entity Eglises Ouvertes Grand Est: « Les Jeunes Ambassadeurs du Patrimoine »)
  • one or more nights per year in the church, supervised by professional animators in the framework of a themed weekend
  • a network of spaces for students : this project may not make them directly aware of heritage, but it familiarises them with the place and that is already a very big step! Two reports in the Walhain entity, one on Canalzoom and the other on RTL Info

2. Working with

  • Schools in the region, teachers of history, art, music, the art of speech, etc. (to prepare a brochure for young teenagers, workshops or special training, while offering to come and give certain courses in the church itself, for example)
  • Youth Centres: these organisations are very dynamic and close to young people

3. Involve young people directly

"These young people are transmitters of history [...] We must therefore make them responsible for the transmission of their heritage, make them discover their cultural heritage because we respect better what we know and what we are attached to, what has meaning, what we are responsible for"
