The Open Churches Days
An annual event since 2008

Let’s celebrate together during a weekend the wealth of our religious heritage!
A flagship event with which we officially open the tourist season in Belgium and Luxembourg, the Open Churches Days take place every year on the first weekend of June.It’s an opportunity for the religious buildings - all beliefs together - to open their gates to the public during a festive weekend. During the years, hundreds of churches have participated in this event, regardless of whether or not they were members of the Open Churches network.
As a visitor, it gives you the opportunity to discover together a stone's throw from your home, a rich, varied, and sometimes unexpected heritage! Guided tours, concerts, exhibitions, round tables... passionate organizers are full of energy to present to you their religious heritage in its best light.

To the agendas !
The next edition of Open Church Days will take place on 31 May and 1 June 2025, on the theme ‘Hidden treasures from cellar to attic’. The programme will be available on our website in April.
Are you responsible for a religious building and you would like more information about this annual event?
Find many ideas as well as our guides and all other practical information on our page “Information”.