Thursday 15 November 2018
For several months now, the links between PARCUM-CRKC and Open Churches have been strengthened. After all, both organisations are striving to open up the religious buildings as much as possible, even outside the hours of the celebrations. Open Churches has been working on this for many years and the number of members is still growing every year. PARCUM-CRKC has built up a lot of expertise in the field of security and management of church buildings. And it is precisely the concern for the safety of the church building that often makes it difficult for church councils to turn their church into an "open church".
Videos to present the Open Churches network and its actions.
Lighter, easier to carry, it lists all the members of the network in Belgium!
The 15th edition of the Open Churches Days is coming soon! "Dream paths" will be the theme of the events proposed by all the open churches during this festive weekend on 4 and 5 June.