Immaculée Conception

Events at
Immaculée Conception

Rue Carnot
62930 Wimereux

Church | XIX | Neoclassical | Catholic Church

Disabled access Parking space Toilets Organ

Vocal concert


08 July 2024 : 20.00 - 21.00

Vocal concert

This concert is presented by the Boulogne Conservatoire Vocal Ensemble, a dozen experienced singers accompanied by Natalia Hendrycks on piano and Natalie Labbé on harp. The concert will feature an eclectic repertoire ranging from baroque to jazz and musical comedy. Conducted by Anne-Laure Playoust.

Meet at the salon de la baie Saint-Jean in Wimereux (online booking, click here...)

From the association's programme of Monday lectures.

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Free contribution


Association des amis des églises de Wimereux
+33 6 85 52 59 77
Monday programme

Other events at Immaculée Conception


19th century naturalist painters in the Boulonnais region

15 July 2024 : 20.00 - 21.30

19th century naturalist painters in the Boulonnais region

For centuries, painting obeyed a particular classification, dictated by the subject matter. For example, military and historical works were favoured by official commissions, while landscapes and seascapes were considered minor art. The situation changed in the 19th century. Artists diversified their subject matter and increasingly focused on describing their environment, nature and its landscapes. Strongly inspired by photography, this pictorial movement gave pride of place to nature to the detriment of historical scenes. Both realistic and social, these works were appreciated by the bourgeoisie and the official salons of the Third Republic, who bought them in large numbers and sent them to decorate prefectures and national museums.See you at the Salon de la Baie Saint-Jean in Wimereux (online booking, click here...)According to the association's programme of Monday lecturesTranslated with (free version)


Iconoclastic ramblings on retirement

22 July 2024 : 20.00 - 21.30

Iconoclastic ramblings on retirement

One morning you wake up in a strange state: it's not the holidays and yet you're not going to work. You're not ill, either... You're just ‘retired’! What can you do to ensure that this change of state, which you aspire to as much as you dread it, is experienced in the best possible way and that retirement doesn't turn into a ‘Berezina’?Because he didn't like the term ‘retired’, Dominique Paty, a newcomer to the job, wanted to be an ‘ultimosopher’! (Don't look this word up in the dictionary, it doesn't exist). He will tell you about some of the ways he has explored to make this period of life more beautiful and help you live to be a hundred and more, if you like... Rest assured that what he has to say will only appear to be serious! (Recommended for future or ‘active’ retirees, but not only...).See you at the Salon de la Baie Saint-Jean in Wimereux (online booking, click here...).According to the association's programme of Monday lectures


Baroque breezes on the beaches of Wimereux

29 July 2024 : 20.00 - 21.30

Baroque breezes on the beaches of Wimereux

Come and discover the Rotomagus and Barbaroques ensembles: amateur musicians with a passion for Baroque music. Coming to you straight from Lyon, Rouen and Paris, they will be gathering on the Opal Coast for a moment of musical escapism and a presentation of period instruments. Come and (re)discover their wind instruments (baroque traverso, oboe, alto and bass recorders) and string instruments (cello, harpsichord and zither), and embark with them on a journey through 150 years of surprising, danceable music! Bach, Telemann, Purcell, Leclair, Hotteterre and Schickhardt: come and meet these composers from another time thanks to pieces specially chosen by the Rotomagus and Barbaroques ensembles, which are sure to win you over!Meet up at the Salon de la Baie Saint-Jean in Wimereux (online booking, click here...)According to the association's programme of Monday lectures


Victoria and progress during her reign

05 August 2024 : 20.00 - 21.30

Victoria and progress during her reign

Victoria's reign, the longest in British history (1837-1901), was a period of peace and growing prosperity. It was a period of scientific, technological and industrial progress, as well as social and cultural progress, the rise of an empire and a revolution in attitudes. The Victorian world was extraordinarily modern: political reforms and astounding progress in the sciences (physics, anthropology, medicine, hygiene, etc.) and technologies (the power of steam, iron and steel and the railways), as well as the development of leisure activities. But the Victorian medal was not without its drawbacks. As Charles Dickens so aptly described it: the working class crushed by machine technology, an industrial revolution undergone, as well as London's slums and their trail of misery, from which social protest was born.See you at the Salon de la Baie Saint-Jean in Wimereux.According to the association's programme of Monday lecturesTranslated with (free version)


A walk through the Wimereux of yesteryear, stage 5

12 August 2024 : 20.00 - 21.30

A walk through the Wimereux of yesteryear, stage 5

Arnaud Destombes is passionate about the history of Wimereux, which he deciphers through an extensive collection of postcards dating back to the town's origins, and enriched by family photos entrusted to him in a friendly manner. Using these visual aids, some of which are unique on glass plates, and a wealth of archive documentation, he takes pleasure in taking us back in time, adding personal accounts and anecdotes to the commentary on each photo. It's a great way to understand the Wimereux of today through the photos of yesterday. This tour, like the four previous ones, won't be a lecture, but just a convivial opportunity to discover many photos from the early days of the seaside resort. We have no doubt that he will once again be able to astonish his large audience, who are impatient to find out more!See you at the Salon de la Baie Saint-Jean in Wimereux.According to the association's programme of Monday lecturesTranslated with (free version)


Edward Jenner: why does his statue stand at the foot of the Boulogne ramparts?

19 August 2024 : 20.00 - 21.30

Edward Jenner: why does his statue stand at the foot of the Boulogne ramparts?

Last year, we paid tribute to the memory of Edward Jenner (1749-1823) on the bicentenary of his death. Even though Napoleon called him "a benefactor of humanity", it is surprising that he should feature among the statues at the foot of Boulogne's ramparts. Why is an English doctor, who never came to Boulogne in person, honoured in this way? What is the link between Jenner and Boulogne? You have to look at the history of the man to understand him, and grasp the full significance of his discovery and his work, the scope of which has been served up by rigorous scientific work. Indeed, to make such a mark on the history of science, Jenner needed a great deal of patience, precision and perseverance in his experimental work. This is what we are going to discover together, as we walk in his footsteps.See you at the Salon de la Baie Saint-Jean in Wimereux.According to the association's programme, as part of the Monday lectures.Translated with (free version)


Imaginary journeys, stories and wonders

26 August 2024 : 20.00 - 21.30

Imaginary journeys, stories and wonders

"Tales belong to everyone, yet they belong to no one... Tales come from all over the world, they are from nowhere... Somewhere, one day, we captured a few of them. From our mouths to your ears, we give them back their freedom... ".The "Tritons et Contées" storytellers are first and foremost a story of encounters and friendships. For the past two years, this group of friends has been enchanting young and old alike with timeless journeys that combine wisdom, history and wonder. These friends met each other on occasional courses or during regular training sessions. They're happy to work and exchange ideas on a wide range of repertoires, and love talking to their audiences, both adults and children. They invite you to join them for a family-friendly evening, followed by a friendly drink.See you at the Salon de la Baie Saint-Jean in Wimereux.According to the association's programme, as part of the Monday lectures.
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Vivi felici

06 October 2024 : 16.00 - 17.00

Vivi felici

555 sonatas, and two words left by the Italian composer Domenico Scarlatti. "Live happily", a simple injunction. For Scarlatti, happiness was a matter of course that had to be lived every day. Through the works of Scarlatti, Bach, Chopin, Liszt... pianist Aurélie Verdier invites us on a musical and philosophical journey. Light and shadow, life and death, heaven and earth, humour and seriousness... extremes meet and mingle in a programme dedicated to Italy, joy and happiness.Aurélie Verdier is an artist in constant search of a link between music and the other arts, and places the exchange with the audience at the heart of her musical programming.See you at Saint-Pierre church in Wimille (online booking, click here...).According to the association's programme, as part of its summer events.Translated with (free version)

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Immaculée Conception

Immaculée Conception

62930 Wimereux

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