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Legal notice


Copyright protection

All texts, illustrations and other elements of this website are protected by copyright.

If you wish to reproduce them or communicate them to the public, in any form whatsoever, you must request the express written authorization of the Foundation églises ouvertes, unless such authorization is unnecessary under the provisions of the law of 30 June 1994 concerning copyright and related rights. For example, you have the right to download information from this website and reproduce it for private or family use.

Privacy protection

Respect for privacy

The Open Churches Foundation attaches great importance to the protection and confidentiality of your personal data. In this respect, we comply with the current law on the protection of privacy in the processing of personal data.

Use of personal data

We store the personal data you provide to us via the website or by e-mail. All this with the sole aim of responding quickly to your request and serving you in the best possible way.

All the information you provide us with is only used internally. We never share your data with other organizations or use it for marketing purposes.

You will not receive any general information from us, unless you have registered for our e-news and would like to be kept informed on a regular basis.

If you have registered for an event, ordered a publication or submitted a file, we may inform you of comparable initiatives. However, you can withdraw this service at any time.

Recording of anonymous data by means of cookies

You can visit our website anonymously. We do not collect individual identification data from visitors.

However, a cookie and measurement software allow us to determine which pages of our sites are the most popular, how often visitors return to them, etc. But this does not happen individually. This anonymous data is used only to improve the content of our site.

Your right to information, consultation and correction

The Open Churches Foundation is responsible for the processing of all data. You have the right to access your data at any time, to correct errors or to have your data deleted from our file.

To do so, you can contact us by post (Fondation Eglises Ouvertes - Chaussée de Tirlemont 508A - 1370 Jodoigne - Belgium) or by e-mail (

The Open Churches Foundation may modify the general terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice, with immediate effect.
