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The Middle Ages in the Haute Senne region ( from Soignies to Horrues)

By bike

16.00 km

2 h

The Middle Ages in the Haute Senne region ( from Soignies to Horrues)

The Open Churches network invites you to discover the medieval period by visiting various churches in the Haute Senne region. Proudly erected for centuries, they are the witnesses of local history. Together with castles and farms, these places of worship tell the story of an era and its customs.

Throughout these tours, you will follow a small character, "nameless and ageless". He will take you to the lands of Hainaut County. For you, he will meet historical and legendary characters from the region.

The tour starts in the countryside, on the square of a small village high up. You will know more about Saint Martin and Saint Hubert and their fetish animals. Then he will take you in the footsteps of Baudouin IV the builder, to Braine-le-Comte. Finally, it will be necessary to follow the valley of the Brainette to Steenkerque, the village of the mills and Guillaume de Gavres, lord and watchman of the church.

This route is more fully described in a discovery brochure The Middle Ages in the Haute Senne region.

  1. collegiate church Saint-Vincent - Soignies

    At the time, Soignies was only a small village of little importance. The construction of such a collegiate church is disproportionate to local needs. Disproportionate in a green landscape, you can see it for miles around! (...)

  2. Church of the Virgin Mary - Chaussée-Notre-Dame

    This small village appeared around the 12th century with the revival of trade. This name with two meanings: "Chaussée", because the village is located along a Roman road, and "Notre-Dame", because the church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary (...)

  3. Church Saint-Martin - Horrues

    One of the largest villages in the country, established on a promontory overlooking the Senne, Horrues has always maintained a very strong link with Soignies and its collegiate church. The church overlooks the whole village (...)

Church buildings on the route






7063 Chaussée-Notre-Dame-Louvignies



7060 Horrues
