01 May - 15 October
Mon -
Tue -
Wed -
Thu -
Fri 10.00 - 18.30
Sat 10.00 - 18.30
Sun 10.00 - 18.30
+33 3 21 09 60 32
every six weeks : 7 pm
The church of Wideham, dedicated to Saint Wulmer, was built in the 15th century by the monks of the abbey of Samer, founded in the 7th century by Saint Wulmer, one of the sons of the Count of Boulogne. With one nave, i twas built of local white stone on a checkered base of sandstone and flint. Its facade has a remarkable tri-lobed window whose basis on each side of the porch is a woman’s head.
Inside, the ogival vaulting falls on culs de lampes and small capitals (whose small columns have been lost during the 20th Century) representing a certain iconographical interest, with the curious attitudes of the persons, fantastic animals, the slaying of the dragon by St. Michael.
In 1860 the nave was consideredto be too damaged and was destroyed and rebuilt with three arches, while the bell-tower remained in its original place between the sancturary and the nave.